
Fundamentals of Biology

Biome Paper


1. 2000 - 2500 words. I prefer it to be typed, but that is not required.

2. Sources (not including the text).
    - Only one may be an encyclopedia.
    - May include magazines and internet articles. (National Geographic would be a great place to look.)
    - 3 will qualify for a maximum grade of  “C”.
    - 4 will qualify for a maximum grade of  “B”

3. A bibliography is required, but not footnotes. Please follow correct bibliographic form.*

4. Footnotes will be necessary if you quote directly from any of your sources. Failure to do this is plagiarism and will result in expulsion from all further classes.

5. Drawings and diagrams may be included when appropriate, but not to replace the text. They will improve your grade if they are well-done and clearly contribute to your paper.

6. Topic: a biome. This paper will be about all we do with ecosystems and ecology. Read chapter 18 in the text and see especially pp. 473-477. Discuss the plant life, animal life, and how they interact with the environment of the biome. Remember that the easier the topic, the more material there will be for you to process, and the paper will need to be longer. The topic must be approved in advance by the instructor.

7. Due the last week of April. Bring one copy for me and four copies to hand out.

Note: If you are expecting this paper to serve as your annual research paper, there may be other requirements as well. Consult your parents and/or your evaluator.

* Please consult a style manual for this. For internet sources please use this form:

        Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Date of Article. Name of Web Site. Date Accessed. Web address.


Email David Green: SDGI@cdgreen.org

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