Newsletter #4
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Hare–Raising Adventures
4th Edition, April 1st, 2000

Well, it’s been a while, but now I am finally sitting down to write my newsletter. For  newcomers, this is a newsletter put out my me, E–mail version only (unless you want a shipping and handling — $.02) to counteract all the questionable rumors that escape our household in the form of Mom’s paper and ink newsletter. Well, when was the last time I wrote? Right after my birthday? I would have written sooner, but you know how sickness, ending projects, and frantic catching up in school can prevent you from doing the stuff you need to because they just aren’t “top priority,” to quote Mom.

When I last wrote, I was saying how starting up all the stuff again was such a hassle — now I am saying that ending things is such hassle — ironic, isn’t it? The Master’s Academy of Fine Arts is now officially over, but not without much blood, sweat, and tears. In the Calligraphy class, we were making elaborate verses, with a painted border and everything — but it took us about five classes to do it. Things got more and more tense as we (my class and teacher) saw the end looming near, but mercifully, we all got it done on time. The Drama elective put on 4–5 small plays for the ending program, which was on Thursday night, so now our Thursdays are, theoretically, free of distractions! By the way — don’t ask about how good my lettering is on my verse.

School has been kind of wild, trying to fit it in between MAFIA, art classes, field trips, and other miscellaneous things. But still, I have managed to slog on, and now am in the middle of doing test 100 (tests are 20, 40, 60, etc., up to 160). We went, as a part of the MAFIA, to see a place called Font Hill, which was a house that this guy built, styling it after some castles he had seen. It was great — huge windows, narrow passageways, and staircases, doors, and other corridors popping out in unexpected places. Also, there were four or five balconies, ranging from a large one on the third floor, on which we could have eaten supper with ease, to ones which were just two or tree feet wide. The other semi field trip was one to the Bach (pronounced batch) Mass in B Minor, which was about three hours long, but was still interesting.

Dan came home for spring break, and he networked the computers while he was here, so now we can print stuff from the downstairs computer without having to bother Dad. It was amazing! When Dan came back, we had stuff like steak, chicken Parmesan, cheeseburgers, stromboli, the list goes on and on, but now that he has left, we go back to our gruel, stale bread, and dirty water — how ironic, since before Dan went to college, gruel is what we had anyway — strange… I think Pete and Steve should go away, and then when they come back, Mom will cook up a great feast. I wonder what the moral of the story is?

Some of the other things that have happened include multiple dentist, orthodontist (imagine that on a spelling test), and doctor visits by Peter and myself. Also, my baby sitting for the Kricks (everyone say hello to Mrs. and Mr. Kricks, who are getting this for the first time — won’t this be a shock?) is continuing, pretty much as it always has been, although we did have a going away party for one of the Koreans, so the little kids (of which there were seven ) and I got some cake, so it was a little wild, trying to keep track of them and making sure nothing drastic happened, but everything turned out all right. Today (what a coincidence) it is both April Fool’s day, and Pete’s birthday — how appropriate. So we are going to have Pepper Steak, Jell–O salad, and some other stuff for his birthday.

Well, the future looks grim for me — from April 10 to April 19 Mom, Ben, and I are going down to Florida to see Ethel Houck, who now (for those who don’t know) stays down there permanently, and Mom is muttering things about five hour car trips to visit her cousins and back — and how most of our time will be used driving a car – I think Mom does this on purpose — here she went to Hawaii on a flimsy excuse that Nana hurt her foot and Mom was needed to make it get better, and now she is going to Florida! Where next? Greece?

Disclaimer, Notes from the Editor, and Good Stuff Like That

Disclaimer: Some of you old–fashion types (just kidding) might think that I’m picking on Mom a lot, but just remember — Mom has been doing it to me for years, and also, most of my comments about Mom are jokes, ironic statements, and stuff like that.

Notes from the Editor: If any of you see spelling errors, grammatical errors, or inconsistencies, please E–mail me at

Good Stuff Like That: I would like to thank Mr. Houck (son of Ethel Houck) for correcting an error in my last newsletter, I should have said that Steve and I passed that first round, while I said past. Once again, thank you Mr. Houck. On another topic, several anonymous E–mails came telling me to narrow the gap between my letters, and I hope to slowly do so. If you wish to unsubscribe, please send a detailed E–mail saying why you want me take you off my wonderful newsletter.

–~Snowshoe Hare~–
–~Christopher Green~–

*Here Endeth the Newsletter*